Thursday, September 1, 2011
there really is an eGod
Kilroy was here
Kilroy/Chad is a band-pass filter eGod
In the beginning Kilroy and Chad the band-pass filter merged in unity to create the electronic God (eGod). A belief of electrical excitement visualized by man's spirit caused the spread of graffito Chad and slogan 'Kilroy was here' to become one. And electronics was without chip form, and void of microprocessor; and darkness was upon the face of the cities. And eGod said, Let there be light: and there was light. And lights of electrical current moved upon the face of the cities. And eGod saw the light, that it was good: and eGod divided electrical components from microelectronics. And eGod called the device light bulbs, and the electrical power brought light to the night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
And eGod said, Let there be a filament in the middle of the light, and let it divide the light from the night. And eGod made the filament, and it was so. And eGod called the filament inside the component tungsten. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
And eGod said let the light under the bulb be gathered in one place, and let the dark surround the light: and it was so. And eGod called the light making device a light bulb; and the gathering together of the light bulbs into an area called cities: and eGod saw that it was good. And eGod said, let the electrical current bring forth electronics, the electronics yielding components, and the components yielding microelectronics after its kind, whose electronic properties in the bulb, carry the light: and it was so. And the electrical current brought forth electronic components, and components yielding devices of the electronics kind, and the electronic components, whose lights was in itself, after electrical properties: and eGod saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.
And eGod said, Let there be light in the filament of the bulb to divide the light from the night; and let them be for neon signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the filament of the electrical properties to give light bulbs upon the night: and it was so. And eGod made two great bulbs; the 100W light bulb to rule the day, and the lesser light bulb to rule the night: he made the electrical appliances also. And eGod set current in the filament of the bulb to give light upon the cities, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and eGod saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
And eGod said, let the magical power bring forth abundantly moving devices for the creatures that hath life, and devices that may fly above the vehicles using the same current as the filament of the light bulb. And eGod created great devices and every living creature moved using vehicles. The electronic components brought forth devices abundantly, after their kind, and every device after its kind: and eGod saw that it was good. And eGod blessed them, saying, be commercial, and multiply, and fill the cities and the towns, and let devices multiply and become smaller. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
And eGod said, let the magical power bring forth the living creature after his kind, congenial girls, and creeping things, and beasts of the night after his kind: and it was so. And eGod made the beast of the night after his kind and congenial girls after their kind and every kind of crepe upon the earth after his kind: and eGod saw that it was good. And eGod said; Let us make man in the band-pass filter image, after our likeness: and let these devices have dominion over the electrical wires, and over the electronic devices, and over the micro electronics, and over all the light that bring every creepy thing that creped upon the earth. So eGod created in his own image Smoe, Clem, Snoops, Overby, and Sapo. And eGod blessed them, and eGod said unto them, spread of band-pass filter Chad and slogan 'Kilroy was here': to have dominion over the electrical components, and over the electronic components, and over the microelectronics. And eGod said, Behold, I have given you every electric device, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every city. And to every beast of the light, and to everything that creped upon the light, wherein there is life, I have given every electrical device: and it was so. And eGod saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Kilroy said, I am eGod and if you believe in me then you will scribble the band-pass filter and "Kilroy was here" all over the world in schools, trains, and other similar public areas. Smoe, Clem, Snoops, Overby, and Sapo were put to sleep and a jeep flywheel was molded to become their mates to populate the world.
eGod Kilroy had a falling out with Foo the devil. "Foo" was thought to be a gremlin. eGod's name was used in vain by devices for anything they could not recall by name. Smoe, Clem, Snoops, Overby, and Sapo descendants were confused by Foo. "Foo was here" graffiti began to be chalked on the side of railway carriages. Evil "Foo was here" appeared everywhere and made his presence felt." "Foo was here" was said to pre-date "Kilroy was here" by about twenty years. "Foo was here" was used as the equivalent of "Kilroy was here." eGod Kilroy said there will be but one to be worshiped and went nuts.
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